Come Alive with FENCE
Kids in grades kindergarten through fifth grade are invited to learn about and meet animals that live in our backyards with help from FENCE. The kids will also make a bird feeder. For more information. February 25, 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Cost: Free Columbus Library, 1289 W. Mills St. Columbus, NC Google Map
Hendersonville Tree Board
The Hendersonville Tree Board presents a program on the value of trees to pollinators. The speaker is Phyllis Stiles, the founder of Bee City USA. For more information. February 24, 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Cost: Free Henderson County Public Library, 301 N. Washington St. Hendersonville, NC 28739 Google Map
Community Gardens: Making it Happen A to Z
Learn how to successfully establish and manage a community garden with Jane Grossman, manager of Bountiful Harvest Community Garden in Hendersonville, and Steve Pettis, horticulture extension agent of Henderson County. Discussion will include tips on getting started, selecting a site, planning and designing the garden, garden guidelines and management. This program is appropriate for HOA’s, […]
Florence Nature Preserve Workday
Bat Cave Help restore natural habitat and protect rare plants and wildlife by removing non-native, invasive plants and maintaining an important meadow habitat. Volunteers will hike about one moderate mile and will learn invasive plant ID. Wear closed-toe shoes, long pants, and bring water, snacks, and lunch. Tools, gloves, and extra water will be provided. […]
Clay Vines and Bark Exhibit
Opening Reception: Friday, Feb. 14, 5-9pm An art exhibit in downtown Saluda features Linda Seagroves, clay artist, who creates Whimsical Mermaids, Crazy Cats, Mad Cows and Daring Divas. The exhibit also features Kevin Bradley’s artisan baskets handwoven from barks and invasive vines that he forages locally. He dyes his bark and vines with mushrooms and […]
Merrell Hike Series
Start 2020 off on the right foot by participating in a winter hike at DuPont Forest’s popular waterfall loop. The length is three miles on a heavily trafficked trail. The hike is easy to moderate. All experience levels are welcome. When you arrive at the trailhead look for the Merrell flag to find the group. […]
Battle of the Blue Ridge Rodeo
This three-day multi-state high school rodeo takes place in the McGough Arena and features high school and junior high divisions.. For more information February 7-9, 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Cost: $5 WNC Agricultural Center Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning Bridge Rd Fletcher, NC 28792 Google Map
Henderson County Beekeepers 2020 Beekeeping School
Courses will prepare you to successfully care for your bees as a first-year beekeeper. Class is held each Monday night for seven weeks plus two apiary sessions. There are over a dozen instructors from the southeast. The fee includes textbook, course material and a one-year family membership to HCBA (up to 4 family members can […]
DuPont Forest Trail Crew Work Day
There will be a trail crew work day on the Burnt Mountain Trail in DuPont State Forest. Trail tools will be provided, but people may bring their own shovel or favorite trail tool. Go online to register. For more information. February 1, 8:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Cost: Free Dupont State Forest, 89 Buck Forest […]
Tails in Town
Tails in Town is the ultimate day for dog lovers of all ages and a once a year opportunity to celebrate the companionship, joy and unconditional love that our furry friends bring to our lives. The free event features 40 pet friendly vendors, Strut Your Mutt 5k fun walk/run and new 1 mile Scurry, pet […]